Friday, February 24, 2012

Drunk Monkey Business

Yesterday in DC, temperatures reached up into the high 60's, which is practically 70, which is crazy for it still being February.  I have absolutely no complaints with the warm weather.  I say more of that in the days to come!  However such an early warm spell has resulted in full on Spring fever settling in.  I, and I imagine the many other DC-ers, would love nothing more than to be sitting on a patio on a warm afternoon, cocktail in hand.  I could also be persuaded to sit on a warm beach somewhere with a nice cocktail as well.

In honor of the unseasonably warm weather, the impending spring, and the hankering many of us have for a warm breeze and chilled cocktail, I give you Drunk Monkeys of the Caribbean.

Apparently Vervet Monkeys residing in the Caribbean have developed a liking for an occasional alcoholic beverage after nibbling on fermented sugar cane left in the fields.  The BBC show "Weird Nature" has been able to catch some of these monkeys in action.  Not going to lie, I kind of love these guys; especially the ones that roll around on the table towards the end.  Enjoy!


Why's the rum gone Jack? 
Because the monkeys drank it all.


  1. Heather, that is the best thing ever. I just laughed hysterically watching that. Thank you.

  2. haha so glad you enjoyed it Grace :)
