For those who actually follow these posts you've probably read about one of my personal favorites Ze Frank here and here. I've been anxiously awaiting the start of his new show, and to my delight things have gotten underway. Below is the first episode in what I hope will be many, and in my opinion it's a brilliant start.
To those of you who are starting new jobs, going back to school, beginning new relationships, ending old relationships and choosing to move on alone, having kids, meeting new people, writing your first book, writing your second book, giving painting a shot, auditioning for a play, choosing to spend the rest of your life with someone else, going to see a movie in the theater by yourself for the first time... to those of you who are starting something new, "This is an invocation for anyone who hasn't begun, who's stuck in a terrible place between zero and one..."
Perhaps this particularly strikes me as I'm personally on the verge of new beginnings. One of the things I think is so great about what Ze Frank does is his ability to make his followers feel connected and somehow remember that they are part of a larger community. We remember that we're all in it together; whatever the task might be at hand. New beginnings can hard; that first step is a doozy. Knowing that we're all in it together makes it just a little bit easier.
So thanks Ze, I'm looking forward to what's coming too. Let's start this shit up.