Wednesday, June 29, 2011

For the Love of Star Wars

While technically this is just a commercial, it made my morning.

Love that kids of today still embrace Star Wars; oh wait strike that, embrace classic Star Wars. Didn't see any Jar Jar Binks in that crowd (thank goodness). Oh, George Lucas (insert head shaking).  Why he continually tries to keep us from just loving Star Wars as we originally experienced it by doing things like throwing weird computer generated aliens into Jabba the Hut's Palace (uuugh), throwing Hayden Christensen into Return of the Jedi (uuugh more), and giving us the less than stellar back story in the three prequels (uuugh the most) is beyond me. However it's stuff like this, where its like we've been able to, in a sense, put all of that aside and just enjoy it for the great stuff we love.  No fancy bells and whistles, good versus evil, kids using their imagination to exist in a galaxy far, far away without ever having to leave their backyard. That in my opinion, is pretty fantastic.

PS, yes I fully realize I'm kind of a nerd about this, but hey, everyone's kind of a nerd about something.

***Update, Greenpeace has put up a new one....

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