Monday, May 23, 2011

And so it begins...

I’ve been thinking about starting this blog for awhile. Ever since I stopped writing my previous one (which shall remain nameless) I’ve had a very supportive group of friends encouraging me to start a new one, and so here I am.

So, what is “District Shenanigans” going to be about? I want to use this space as a place to write about any number of things; things that make me laugh, things that are completely ridiculous or absurd, things that inspire me or leave me in awe. I want to write about things that make me feel connected to others even though I may be reading about them in a virtual place.

Urban Dictionary categorizes “shenanigans” as the following:

  1. Deception or tomfoolery on the part of carnival stand operators.
  2. An official declaration made by patrons of an establishment who feel they have been cheated. Once a charge of shenanigans has been accepted by an authority figure, said patrons are free to assault the owners of said establishment with brooms.
  3. A restaurant preferred by Officer Rodney Farva*. It is known for serving mozzarella sticks and having goofy shit on the walls.
    *from the movie Super Troopers
  4. synonymous to bullshit (aka. shens)
  5. Acts of misadventure or playful mischief. Frequently involves Lemmiwinks, 1 beer, and Sharpies.

A word itself can have as many different meanings as the number of people who use it in their speech. For those of you that know me, you probably know I use the term quite a lot, and very rarely do I ever mean to make reference to carnies or an impending assault with brooms. Whenever I do use “shenanigans” though, it typically means there will be an excellent story to follow. I very much hope that you, my readers, enjoy the “shenanigans” that will be coming here.

1 comment:

  1. I love it already!!! The pictures of the brooms and carnies are a nice touch. :)
